We decided to spend a few days in Goondiwindi (pronounced Gund-a-windy) the home of the famous grey stallion - Gunsynd - for those old enough to remember him! A small town with the growing of grain crops as the main agricultural income for the area. The massive B-Doubles carrying grain from the Stations around the area to the huge silos, never seemed to stop rolling. The park we stayed it was right next to the rail line, but, the trains are few and far between, and when they did roll through it was at 2am in the morning. I would hear the whistle blow, and then the train would creep by so quietly, I could never hear the carriages, and would just go back to sleep. The B-Doubles would ease off around midnight and start up again around 6am, I was always awake by then so no problem for me. Bucko never hears a thing, so noise at night is nver any problem for him.The town of Goondiwindi is very pretty place with many buildings with wonderful old architecture. How about the gorgeous old Pub in the pic below?

As I am rather fond of the Art-Deco style building I had to snap this picture of the Town Hall. Pity the Town Fathers allowed the cinema owners to deface the building by placing an ugly cinema sign on the facade - grrr....some folk have no respect for things of beauty! I could not inflict that uglyness on you folk, so chose this pic instead.
Bucko and I decided to take a trip out to Texas for the day, 100kms East of Gundy, near the border of NSW/Qld. Now this town has a wonderful example of how to treat an Art Deco building, leave it alone except for fresh paint now and again. Like it?
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